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7 non-negotiable confidence habits I wish I’d known when I was younger

How to silence your inner critic, tried-and-tested by the experts

7 non-negotiable confidence habits I wish I’d known when I was younger
Donna Francis
Contributing Editor US
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When it comes to confidence, hindsight can be a valuable thing. Especially when looking back at our younger years when a lot of the things that we worried about now seem futile and unnecessary.

A report by Être, the organization that arranges mentorship programmes for young girls and teens, found that there’s been an alarming decline in self-image and mental wellbeing. The survey found that between the ages of 13 to 18 girls, confidence drops by 20% and girls who say they feel smart drops by a shocking 50%.

Mentorship, it seems, is a big part of the solution to closing the confidence gap for young women, as 91% of girls surveyed believe that higher confidence is directly related to mentorship, and having someone that you can look up to and guide you through life when it gets tricky. "Choosing to stay positive and confident is a mindset. It is something you have to practise daily in order to step out and conquer the world,” explains Atoya Burleson, entrepreneur and Être Executive Board member.

Authentic sunny portrait of young beautiful woman outdoor in nature© Getty
Confidence is key to happiness

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Tell people how you feel 

“You don’t benefit from holding things in. Telling people how you feel frees you and allows you to gain a sense of community. Feeling heard is cathartic and reassures you that your feelings matter," says Dr Judith Joseph MD MBA, board certified Psychiatrist, Media Consultant and award-winning Content Creator.

You do you

"You get to decide what you want in life. You do not need to follow anyone else's timeline or schedule. If you hold true to your values and who you want to be - you can do anything!" says Tamsen Fadal, Emmy award-winning Journalist and Author.

Afro-American woman relaxing after a workout.© Getty
Being true to ourselves is crucial for confidence

Trust your instincts

“No one knows you better than yourself. If there is something inside you that doesn’t sit right, listen to it. Don’t second guess yourself. Sometimes we are all a little insecure. Trusting your intuition is really important and don’t get too stressed over the small stuff," says Dr Maryam Zamani, Oculoplastic Surgeon, Facial Aesthetics Doctor and founder of MZ Skin.

Maryam Zamani
Dr. Maryam Zamani shares her confidence tips

Believe in yourself

"In my 30 years as an entrepreneur, I have learned that self-confidence is crucial. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Whatever comes along, keep on going, keep moving, keep pushing - resilience is key. There are always some ‘no’s’ along the way; my advice is do not accept them, but keep following your dreams," says Susanne Kaufmann – Founder of skincare brand, Susanne Kaufmann.

READ: Why women in their 40s are more confident voicing their desires 

Feel comfortable in your own skin

“⁠I really wish that someone had told me to just feel comfortable in my own skin years ago. I am a real advocate of this - don’t worry what others think about you just concentrate on you and being true to yourself. It really does help with heightened confidence and can ultimately lead to being happier," says Amie Bone, Floral Artist & Event Designer.

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Don’t worry about what other people think

“In this generation everyone's online and privy to what you've had for lunch or what you're doing the weekend, and we’ve almost all become online mini celebrities and we think everyone's judging us. But in truth, everyone is so caught up in their own busy lives that no one is judging us the way we are judging ourselves. The minute I realised that, it became so freeing," says Brogan Garrit-Smith, Podcast Host & Philanthropist.

Keep social and active

"I try to take a holistic approach to staying confident and happy. I love to run, so I try my best to take a jog every morning. That gives me energy and gets my brain going. I also like to focus on social connection and belonging. I make sure to check in with my friends and family and schedule time to get together. Finally, I practice deep breathing and visualization. This helps me stay calm and focused on my goals," says Dr. Katie Hurley, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and Être Executive Board member.

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